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For the first time in the world, China is going to produce artificial rainfall to meet the water demand

China is developing artificial rainfall projects to meet increased water demand

The Dhaka Times Desk China is the most populous country in the world. And this huge population has a severe shortage of additional water. China has undertaken a project called Sky River Network to fill this deficit.

বিশ্বের এই প্রথম পানির চাহিদা মেটাতে চীন কৃত্রিম বৃষ্টিপাত ঘটাতে যাচ্ছে 1

Factories and industries are increasing in China every year. Along with that, the demand for water is also increasing. And to meet this increased demand, Chinese researchers have undertaken a plan to create artificial rainfall. The main task of this project is to change the direction of atmospheric water vapor in the southern Tibetan highlands to produce precipitation in the dry region. As a result, this project will meet China's total water demand of about 7%.

In this technology, a large network of fuel-dependent small reactors or chambers is being built. These furnaces will play a major role in reducing rain. These reactors will mainly produce silver iodide, a cloud-forming element that is transparent like ice. They are placed on top of the Tibetan mountains.

It will artificially condense clouds several thousand meters above sea level and rain more than before. This rain water will increase the water in various canals and rivers through rivers. Hence it is named Sky River Network. According to scientists, the area will receive several times more rainfall than normal and the amount will be up to 100 million cubic meters per year.

China has revealed in their report that hundreds of thousands of furnaces will be built at an altitude of 5,000 meters across the Tibetan mountains. The total area of this region is 1.6 million square kilometers which is three times larger than Spain. Even if China meets its water needs from this project, there may be water shortages in several neighboring countries.

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