The Dhaka Times
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Why do people faint in the heat?

Our body temperature rises up to 30-40 degrees in the intense heat of the sun

The Dhaka Times Desk It's summer time. We often have to go outside for our daily work. Many people faint again due to the excessive heat of the sun outside. But the question is, what is the relationship between ignorance and sunshine?

When we do any work or move in the sun, our body heats up due to the intense heat of the sun. To maintain this body temperature, the body starts sweating and keeps the body temperature normal. Sometimes the body gets very hot due to the heat of the sun but sweats less than that. At this time, the head is the most heated. Overheated blood rushes down to the legs and reduces circulation to the head. Due to lack of blood circulation in the head, people faint due to lack of oxygen to the brain.

Because the brain uses oxygen to perform its functions. And the blood supplies this oxygen to the brain. When blood flow to the brain decreases, oxygen supply also decreases. So the brain becomes unconscious because it cannot perform its functions.

What to do if someone loses consciousness:

1. Lay him tall on a flat surface so that his feet are higher than his head.
2. Loosen all clothes. Especially the collar and pants.
3. Tilt the head back slightly to open the mouth, this will facilitate breathing.
4. Administer ventilation to unconscious person.
5. Keep wiping the face and neck with a wet cloth

Do not forget the tasks that this time -

1. Never try to make an unconscious person sit or stand.
2. Do not place a pillow under the head of a fainting person.
3. Do not shake the patient under any circumstances.
4. Don't try to move him for no reason.
5. Do not drink anything until you regain full consciousness, there is a possibility that the drink will get stuck in the throat.

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