Categories: Religion

Here are some ways to stay healthy during Ramadan

The Dhaka Times Desk When Ramadan comes, especially those who have physical problems or illnesses face a lot of problems. Obligatory fasting is as painful for them. So today, know some ways to stay healthy during Ramadan.

Fasting becomes quite a problem for those who are ill such as those who have gastric-ulcer or other ailments. But if you follow some rules you can fast this Ramadan without any problem. If you follow some rules, there will be no problem in fasting.

Many skip Sehri to sleep a little more. Many people think that eating during Sehri can increase gastric etc. It shouldn't be at all. Remember Seheri is your first meal of the day, it should not be avoided at all. Absence of Sehri can lead to a decrease in the metabolic rate of the body, which leads to overeating at Iftar. Even if the quantity is less i.e. moderate you have to eat Sehri. If the problem is more, you can eat a few dates. Because dates have a lot of calories. A few dates will do the same good as eating a plate of rice.

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Exercising regularly during Ramadan is quite a difficult task. Make a small change this month and take a short walk after eating Iftar and Sehri. Doing so will help keep your metabolic rate running. Immunity will increase.

Follow the Golden Rule of our Holy Prophet (PBUH). You can practice eating with a slightly empty stomach instead of eating a full stomach. Keep one-third food, one-third drink and one-third empty stomach. People with gastric problems will also benefit from it.

Try to avoid foods with excess sugar and processed foods. Because such sugary food can affect your body due to not eating all day.

You do not rush the time of iftar and eat it slowly. After first breaking the fast with dates and water, slowly start eating heavy food. Fresh fruits, vegetables or soups can be included in the diet.

Eating fried food is not healthy at all. The less fried the better. Eating Samucha, boiled potatoes, momos, chapati and best of all sola.

If you have the opportunity, i.e. if there is no work, you can take a light nap after noon prayer. It will remove the tiredness of the day and create more energy at work.

Try to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water starting after Iftar and before Sehri time. But it is better to drink plain water instead of drinking sweet drinks, juice etc. The reason is that due to fasting throughout the day, there is a shortage of water in the body. So remember that drinking water is important for you.

Never overeat. Avoid overeating at Iftar or Sehri. It can cause digestive problems. Due to which diarrhea, constipation can also cause problems. So you have to remember that moderate diet is always good for health.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৫, ২০২২ 12:32 pm

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