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Unknown: These unknown facts you may have never known!

Earth's first astronaut was not a human, but a dog

The Dhaka Times Desk Many events happen in our daily life which remain unknown to us, we are unaware of all the known and unknown information. Today there are some unknown facts that need to be known.

  • You must wear a shirt to drive in Thailand!! That is, you can not drive naked!
  • জানা-অজানা: এই অজানা তথ্যগুলো আপনি হয়তো কখনও জানতেন না! 1

  • Due to the shortage of metal during World War II, the statue of the Oscars at the time was made of wood!
  •  Narwhal is a type of whale fish. Whose teeth are 8 feet long.
  • Blue whale is the largest animal. Its average weight is 125 tons. Which is the sum of the weight of about 1800 people.
  •  Birds need the force of gravity to swallow food. That is, if a bird is allowed to eat food on the moon, it will not be able to swallow the food!
  • Who will live longer without water? Desert ship famous camel? Or the master of cutting books? I know many will make mistakes. But the truth is that without water, a rat lives longer than a camel!
  • জানা-অজানা: এই অজানা তথ্যগুলো আপনি হয়তো কখনও জানতেন না! 2

  • Ants can carry up to ten times their body weight
  • There are more than 3000 species of mosquitoes in the world!
  • The highest temperature recorded on Earth was on 3 September 1922 at Al Jizia in Libya. The temperature was only recorded there at 136.4 degrees Fahrenheit ie 58 degrees Celsius!
  • Earth's first astronaut was not a human, but a dog.
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