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The organization that will pay even if you sleep

Japan's Crazy Corporation offers its employees a bonus for getting enough sleep

The Dhaka Times Desk Although it is surprising to hear that 'even if you sleep', it is true. Crazy Inc., a Japanese wedding management company, has given its employees a bonus for getting enough sleep. Usually, due to the pressure of office work or any complex problem, one does not sleep well.

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According to Kazuhiko Mariyama, founder of Crazy Inc., if an employee doesn't get enough sleep at night, it affects the organization. Because when a worker does not get enough sleep, various problems will appear in his body, especially laziness, illness etc. As a result, this situation causes serious damage to the organization. So Crazy Inc. has created a bonus to encourage its employees to get enough sleep.

If the employees of this organization can sleep exactly 6 hours per night 5 days a week, then the organization gives special points to that employee. And using this point he can eat in the cafeteria. The company pays its employees the equivalent of about ¥64,000 or $570 a year just to get enough sleep. An app by mattress maker AirWave is used to monitor whether workers are getting enough sleep.

According to a survey conducted by Fuji Ryoki, a Japanese health care product manufacturer, nearly 90 percent of people over the age of 20 in Japan do not get enough sleep at night. As a result, Japan is facing huge losses every year due to workers not being able to work properly. This loss amounts to 128 billion US dollars or 2.92 percent of GDP. And because of this same problem, the US economy lost more than 411 billion dollars.

In Mariama's opinion, to overcome this problem, every organization should take steps to ensure adequate sleep for its employees. Because when employees get enough sleep, both their mind and health will be better. As a result employees can work in the organization with focus which helps the organization to move faster towards the main goal.

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