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Learn about some of the animals with amazing powers

Some animals have unique abilities that make them stand out from other animals

The Dhaka Times Desk Among all aquatic and terrestrial animals on Earth, some animals have some special abilities. Features that seem very strange. Today we will know about some special abilities of some such animals along with some exceptional information.

প্রাণিজগতের কিছু আজব ক্ষমতাসম্পন্ন প্রাণি সম্পর্কে জেনে নিন 1

1. An elephant can smell water from 3 miles away.

2. The African cissada fly sleeps for 17 years. They only survive for 2 weeks after hatching.

3. Cows can be taken up stairs but not down.

4. Only pigeons can see ultraviolet light.

5. Baby giraffes fall to the ground from the highest height (about 5 feet) at birth.

6. Only shrimp can swim backwards.

7. Leopard is the fastest land animal. It can run at a speed of 120 km per hour. And they can reach 100 km per hour in just 3 seconds.

8. Tiger shark cubs start fighting with each other while still in the mother's womb.

9. Ants can carry up to ten times their body weight.

10. There is a type of earthworm in Australia which
Can be up to 10 feet tall.

11. Rats and horses never vomit.

12. Crocodiles cannot chew food. After catching the victim
Swallow directly.

13. A lion is the only animal whose roar can be heard from a distance of 5 miles.

14. The average weight of a mosquito is about 2.5 mg.

15. King cobra is the only snake in the world that builds its nest with straw.

16. The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. Its average weight is about 125 tons.

17. Giraffe has only 7 bones in its long neck.

18. Bats cannot walk because their leg bones are not suitable for walking.

19. Polar bears are the only amphibians that can run up to 60 miles without rest.

20. Gold Fish's memory lasts only 3 seconds.

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