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Learn some ways to avoid lightning strikes

You can be struck by lightning anywhere, whether at home, office or on the streets

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays the number of deaths due to lightning is increasing day by day. Many people have died due to lightning in the last few years. Learn some ways to avoid lightning today.

বজ্রপাত এড়িয়ে চলার কয়েকটি উপায় জেনে নিন 1

According to science, the air temperature in the atmosphere is much lower than the surface of the earth. In this case, the hot air rises rapidly and comes into contact with the moist air. And then as the hot weather cools quickly, the process creates turbulence, essentially creating thunderclouds. And then the lightning incident happened. According to weather data, most thunderstorms occur in Bangladesh between March to May and October to November.

Moreover, we can see lightning flashes in the sky in the evening. At this time, there is a few showers along with the stormy wind. Sometimes we see news of various accidents due to lightning. You can be struck by lightning anywhere, whether at home, office or on the streets. That's why experts have given some ways to protect yourself.
Learn these ways to protect yourself from lightning today:

# If you see frequent lightning strikes it is best if you can take shelter under some kind of shelter. During this time, under no circumstances can you stay in open or high places.

# Passenger canopies, tall trees, power poles, etc. in open spaces are more prone to lightning strikes. So stay away from these things as much as possible during lightning.

# Avoid touching household metal faucets, stair railings, pipes, etc. during lightning and storms. Don't even touch land line telephones then. There are instances of many people being injured by contact with them during lightning strikes.

# Avoid touching all electrically connected equipment during lightning. Disconnect (unplug) TV, fridge etc. But don't grab them even if they are closed. Unplug unused appliances.

# Try to get home as quickly as possible if you are in a car on the road during lightning. If heavy lightning and rain are encountered, the vehicle should be taken under a porch or covered canopy. It is dangerous to touch the car glass at this time. So don't touch the car glass.

# It is no wonder that the roads get waterlogged during the rains. However, if lightning continues, then it is better not to go out on the road. Moreover, there is a possibility of accidents due to the breaking of electric wires. In addition, the possibility of electrocution cannot be ruled out if lightning strikes somewhere nearby.

# It is very dangerous to be in wet leather shoes or bare feet during lightning. If you have to go out in private, you must wear shoes that cover your feet. Rubber gumboot type shoes work best in this case.

# Stay away from windows if at home during lightning. Better not to go near the window.

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