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What is the reason for Russia's floating nuclear installation?

The structure is 144 meters long and 30 meters wide

The Dhaka Times Desk When the whole world is against the atom. At a time when various countries of the world are taking various initiatives to ban nuclear weapons, Russia has created new questions by installing floating nuclear weapons.

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Recently, Russia inaugurated the world's first floating nuclear facility. This nuclear facility was inaugurated last Saturday in the far northern port of Murmansk in Russia. From there, the device is supposed to fill up with nuclear fuel and head towards eastern Siberia.

It is known that this establishment named Academic Lomonosov was built in Saint Petersburg. It arrived at the port of Murmansk on Thursday, a day before the inauguration of the facility. Then on Saturday, the media workers were given an opportunity to go there.

It is known that the state nuclear organization Rosatom has built this facility, which is 144 meters long and 30 meters wide. The facility is built on a ship that also has two reactors. The power generation capacity of that reactor is 35 MW. This ship is a floating nuclear installation much like an icebreaker ship.

According to media reports, this 21,000-ton nuclear facility will remain in Russia's northernmost Pevek port until the summer of 2019. The location of the port is 350 km north of the Arctic Circle.

It is known that it is possible to meet the electricity needs of two lakh residents of a city from this nuclear facility. But the surprising thing is that Pevek port has only 5 thousand residents. That has raised questions about this floating atom. However, initially the ship will be used for drilling oil wells in the Arctic area.

Vitaly Trutnev, the chief responsible officer of the Russian nuclear facility, said it would mainly be used to supply electricity and heat to people in remote northern areas. This floating facility will support growth and sustainable development, it said.

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