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Hitler committed suicide the day after the wedding!

A group of French scientists say they have found conclusive evidence that Hitler died in Berlin in 1945

The Dhaka Times Desk Even after all these years, it seems that writing about Hitler is not over. Various issues of Hitler come up again and again. This is such an exceptional news that Hitler committed suicide the day after the wedding!

বিয়ের পরদিনই নাকি আত্মহত্যা করেছিলেন হিটলার! 1

The activities of Hitler, the founder of Nazi Germany, continue to be written about even after a long time has passed. There are many conspiracy theories about Hitler's death in particular. Many say that Hitler did not die in 1945, he fled to Argentina in a submarine after the defeat of Germany. Another theory says that Hitler moved to a secret base in Antarctica.

It is also said that Hitler did not die at the end of World War II. He ran away and survived for many more days - a group of French scientists have claimed wrong such theories. They say they have found conclusive evidence that he died in Berlin in 1945. Just married longtime girlfriend Eva Brown the day before he died!

A team of French forensic experts have examined Hitler's teeth and skull preserved in Russia and said they are almost certain that Hitler died of bullet wounds and cyanide ingestion.

The results of the experiment were published in a periodical named European Journal of Internal Medicine. Lead researcher Philippe Charlie said they believe their survey has debunked many conspiracy theories about what happened to the leader of Nazi Germany.

At the end of the Second World War, on April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler and his newlywed wife Eva Braun committed suicide together in the bunker under Marty in Berlin.

Hitler's wife Eva Braun was poisoned with cyanide, Hitler shot himself in the head and probably ingested cyanide as well. Hitler married his longtime partner Eva Braun in the bunker the day before. Then Russian troops entered the outskirts of Berlin and the fall of the Nazi regime was confirmed.

According to reports, Hitler's body was taken out of the bunker by German soldiers, dumped in a pit in the garden of the Reich Chancellery, poured gasoline and set on fire. But some parts of his body were recovered by the Russians and taken to Moscow.

French scientists say they were the first to conduct experiments on Hitler's remains after 1946. A hole can be seen on the left side of part of Hitler's skull – possibly caused by a bullet. They also found a bluish coating on Hitler's braced teeth - possibly caused by the reaction of cyanide with metal teeth.

According to the BBC, lead researcher Philippe Charlie told AFP that they should stop all conspiracy theories after this study.

The day after Hitler's death, i.e. on May 1, Karl Lehmann, who escaped from Germany, was sitting in the BBC monitoring office on the outskirts of Reading, 40 miles north of London, listening to German radio programs. He was telling the audience that an important announcement was coming. Then Bhavgambir played music and announced that Hitler had died 'while fighting Bolshevism'.

But at that time they did not say that Hitler committed suicide, rather they said that Hitler was killed fighting - which was actually a big lie. Just a few days later, on May 7, Germany surrendered - ending the 6-year war in Europe.

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