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Tisha as Taraman in Eid drama 'Taraman Abhiprayan'

The play is basically based on a story about public awareness against dowry system

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actress Nusrat Imroz Tisha played the role of Taraman in Eid drama 'Taraman Abhiprayan'. The play is written by Dayal Saha and directed by Abu Hayat Mahmud.

ঈদের ‘তারামনের অভিপ্রয়াণ’ নাটকে তারামন চরিত্রে তিশা 1

Coming soon Eid drama 'Taraman Abhiprayan'. Popular actress Nusrat Imroz Tisha played the role of Taraman in this drama. The play is written by Dayal Saha and directed by Abu Hayat Mahmud.

This drama is basically based on a story about public awareness against dowry system. Its main character is Taraman. Tisha played the role of that Taraman. A father who is burdened with a daughter ends up selling all his property to pay the dowry. When he returned home with that money, a problem occurred. He lost the money bag. Meanwhile, her husband got the bag of money. Taraman wants to return the bag of money to the owner despite the lack of money in the house. Taramon started walking around with the bag in hand. But when the daughter finds her pregnant father, a big accident has happened.

ঈদের ‘তারামনের অভিপ্রয়াণ’ নাটকে তারামন চরিত্রে তিশা 2

Apart from Tisha, the play also featured actors like Syed Hasan Imam, FS Naeem, Sheikh Mahbubur Rahman, Soma Ferdous.

The producer of the drama said that the drama was shot on April 15-16 in Pubail. After editing, the drama is finalized on the day of broadcast. This drama will be aired on Gazi TV on the third day of Eid at 9:05 PM.

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