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Some records of Bangladesh in Guinness book

Like other countries, Bangladesh also has some records in this book

The Dhaka Times Desk This book named Guinness Book of World was first published on August 27, 1955. Every year various records are recorded in this book considering the highest or lowest among all the countries of the world. Like other countries, Bangladesh also has some records in this book. Today we will know about some of those records.


Long moving bicycle queue:

On the occasion of Victory Day, on December 16, 2016, Bangladesh set a world record for the world's longest row of moving bicycles. 1,186 bicycles participated in the initiative of BD Cyclists, an organization of Bangladesh.

Rickshaw City:

The capital Dhaka is listed in the Guinness Book of World as the city of rickshaws. Dhaka has the largest number of rickshaws in the world. This rickshaw is used for about 401 TP3T trips in Dhaka. About five lakh rickshaws ply in the capital Dhaka. In 2015, Dhaka was listed as the city of rickshaws in the Guinness Book of World Records.

National anthem in millions of voices:

Bangladesh has entered the Guinness Book of Records for singing the national anthem with the highest number of voices. In 2014, on the occasion of Independence Day, 2 lakh 54 thousand 681 people sang the national anthem at the national parade ground and stunned the world.

Hand washing record:

On October 15, 2009, Bangladesh set a world record for the largest number of people in the world washing their hands together on World Handwashing Day. 52 thousand 970 people participated in this event under the initiative of UNICEF, Lifebuoy, BRAC and other related organizations.

The largest human chain:

In 2008, Bangladesh Awami League organized the world's largest human chain holding hands in an area of 1,50 km from Teknaf to Tentulia. It is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest human chain in the world.

The biggest bat in the world

67 students of Dhaka University's Shahnewaz Hall made the world's biggest bat on the occasion of the World Cup. It took only 15 days to make this 111 feet long and 12.5 feet wide bat.

Largest stapler pin chain:

A student named Khandkar Shihab Ahmed of Bangladesh has managed to write the name in the Guinness Book of Records by making the world's largest hand-made chain of stapler pins. It is 422 feet 4 inches long and the number of pins used here is 27 thousand. Interestingly, Shihab spent only 270 rupees to make it

The thinnest caste:

The name of Bangladesh has appeared in the Guinness book as the thinnest nation in the world. According to the BMI (Body Mass Index) index, the average weight of men in Bangladesh is 20.5 kg per square meter and the average weight of women is 20.4 kg.

Country with highest density:

Bangladesh is the first country with the highest population density in the world. It has a population of 2,918 per square kilometer. No other country in the world has more people per square kilometer.

Hottest pepper in the world:

Bhut Jalkia or Naga pepper of Bangladesh was ranked as the hottest pepper in the world. But currently it has lost its record.

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