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Some advice for expectant mothers during Mahe Ramadan

When it comes to fasting, especially those who are pregnant have no end of worries

The Dhaka Times Desk Those who are pregnant need to know how to fast in Ramadan or what to do for it. Today there are some tips for expectant mothers during Ramadan.

The holy month of Ramadan is going on. When it comes to fasting, especially those who are pregnant have no end of worries. The reason is that many people do not want to leave this obligatory fast of Ramadan. Again they have physical problems. Due to which many people are in trouble. Therefore, pregnant women need some extra awareness to fast in Ramadan. Then you can keep fast easily. Find out the issues today.

Can pregnant women fast?

Anyone can ask what pregnant women can fast? The simple answer is yes, of course a pregnant woman can fast.

This is seen in everyone, and that is most of the time they are afraid that their child will be harmed if they fast, etc. etc. But no, there is no possibility of any harm to her unborn child for fasting. However, it is different if there is a risk to the life of the pregnant mother or the child or if there is any major problem. Then the doctor will determine the matter. Moreover, those who are in normal condition have no problem. But some rules must be followed. The reason is that physical and human changes occur during pregnancy. But you can go a long way through fasting and worship.

What should a pregnant mother do during fasting?

It is very hot now. A lot of water comes out of the body. Fasting means not eating for a long time. Drink plenty of water from Iftar to Sehri. It is better to eat saline food. Instead of consuming any juice from the Iftar packet, it is better to drink lemon sherbet or homemade drink. After a whole day of fasting, we eat a lot of food at once, but a pregnant mother cannot. It is better to eat easily digestible food. It is wise to stay away from fried foods during Ramadan. Because it can cause problems with ACD. Eating bananas and lots of vegetables during Sehri can help mothers get relief from constipation. 8 hours of sleep and 2 hours of rest are required during pregnancy. If you cannot pray standing during pregnancy, pray sitting. Feel the baby move in this position. Also receive regular prenatal care.

One thing is Ramadan, the month of worship of Rabbul Alamin. Fasting is good for you only if you have mental strength and physical capacity.

Source: (

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