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Facebook authorities asked for nude photos of Facebook users

The Facebook authority will block the picture before it is published online

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook, the world's biggest social networking site, has called on British users to send their private (nude) photos. Facebook authorities said, “This step has been taken to ensure that one cannot post private (nude) pictures of another person on Facebook due to personal vendetta.

Many a times, a person posts a photo of another person's private intimate moment on Facebook to take revenge on the other person. Due to such fears, Facebook authorities have taken this initiative. Because the Facebook authority will block the picture before it is published online. Besides, efforts are being made to prevent the spread of harassing images of children through the use of the same technology.

Facebook authorities have already tested this process in Australia. Now they are going to start this test in UK, USA and Canada. Meanwhile, a Facebook spokesperson told Newsbeat, "The matter has now been opened up to people in Britain."

How the process will work:

If a person is concerned about their private or nude photos being published on Facebook by someone else, that person should contact Facebook's affiliates. For example, in Britain, the Revenge Porn Helpline can be contacted. The helpline staff will then contact Facebook and send the complainant a link to upload any hidden photos they are concerned about.

Who will see these nude pictures?

In response to this question, Antigon Davis, Facebook's global head of security, told Newsbeat, “This image will only be seen by a small team of five trained reviewers. They will add digital fingerprint to the image. Then that code will be stored in the database. If someone else tries to upload the same image somehow, the code will detect it and block it before it is published on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger.”

How effective will this method be?

Asked how effective the method would be, Facebook's Antigone Davis admitted, “100% cannot be guaranteed when it comes to photo-matching technology. Because images can be distorted, they may differ from the original image. But he says they are not getting good results.”

According to him, for the whole process to work properly, the user must also have those images. Otherwise this process will not work. For example, if a person has taken any secret photos with his/her ex-spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend and does not have those photos, this process will not work.

Britain's Revenge Porn Helpline has seen reports of such incidents rise every year since its launch in 2015. Since its inception, the helpline has received more than 500 such reports in 2015 alone. Besides, more than 1000 such reports have come in 2017.

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