The Dhaka Times
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Musharraf's Eid drama 'only for company publicity'

The drama is written by Mehrab Zahid and directed by Mursalin Shuvo 'only for the sake of company promotion'

The Dhaka Times Desk When Eid comes, good plays, movies, telefilms are seen on TV channels. This time will not be an exception. Musharraf's Eid drama 'only for the sake of company publicity'.

মোশাররফের ঈদের নাটক ‘শুধুমাত্র কোম্পানির প্রচারের স্বার্থে’ 1

Many things are done in the interest of promoting the company. Advertisements on TV or neon signs on the streets or advertisements in newspapers, are all done. This time, the play has been produced keeping in mind such things 'only for the sake of promoting the company'.

The drama is written by Mehrab Zahid and directed by Mursalin Shuvo 'only for the sake of company promotion'. In this Eid drama, the popular TV drama stars Musharraf Karim and Monalisa played the lead roles as a couple.

Regarding acting in this play, Musharraf Karim said, "The play was made for Eid 'only for the sake of promoting the company'." Everyone can understand the story of the play by hearing the name. I believe that the drama will be very good even if it is a laugh.

Mona Lisa said about this drama, "I am really impressed with the love of people back home. The makers are working on me. It is indeed a great pleasure to me that you call me to good works. I acted with Musharraf Karim Bhai in the drama 'Only for the sake of promoting the company'. The story of the drama is great, it is a laugh drama. Built on a contemporary theme. The audience will enjoy the play very much.”

মোশাররফের ঈদের নাটক ‘শুধুমাত্র কোম্পানির প্রচারের স্বার্থে’ 2

Shahidullah Sabuj played a special role in the play 'only for the sake of company promotion'. It has been reported that the play will be aired on a TV channel in the upcoming Eid.

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