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The world's longest and shortest horse face! [video]

The height of long-bodied Big Jake is 210 cm. But Thumbelina's height is only 17.5 centimeters!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have already observed the encounter between the tallest man and the smallest man. But this time a little exceptional case of two horses. The longest and shortest horse in the world has met!

বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে দীর্ঘদেহী ও খাটো ঘোড়া মুখোমুখি! [ভিডিও] 1

A hoofed mammal is a horse. Not today, the animal has existed on earth for a long period of 45 to 55 million years. From 4000 BC, people started domesticating horses. Although some herds like wild horses live in open spaces or forests. A horse or Ghotak in Arakanese is a swift quadrupedal animal that can be ridden on its back. It is also called Turag, Turangam because it is fast. Tall and big horses are highly respected in different countries of the world. Especially large horses are used to give the state guard of honour. There is even a Guinness World Records system for horse specialties. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the tallest horse is 'Big Jake' and the shortest horse is 'Thumbellina'.

The height of long-bodied Big Jake is 210 cm. But Thumbelina's height is only 17.5 centimeters! Recently these two horses were brought face to face. When they are photographed side by side, a great scene is created.

The horse Big Jake was raised by the Gilbert family in Wisconsin, USA. Big Jake is 17 years old. Big Jake was quite large from birth. He weighed 240 pounds at birth! When this horse was 7/8 years old it seemed that this horse would set the record for the largest horse in the world. After contacting the Guinness authorities, he was also recognized.

On the other hand, the dark brown Thumbelina was born in 2002 at a horse farm in Missouri, USA. He was so small at birth that many mistook him for a baby goat. This horse was only 6 inches tall at birth. The owner was worried about the small size of this horse. But now he is very happy after making the record.

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