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Good news for paralysis patients!

The affected patient loses control of the paralyzed affected part of the body

The Dhaka Times Desk Paralysis is a fatal disease with no chance of recovery. People become paralyzed especially due to stroke. A patient suffering from this disease is as if alive or dead. Paralysis is usually caused by damage to the brain's "spinal cord" and loss of ability to function in any part of the brain. However, Grégoire Courtine claims that with the help of their invented technology, it will be possible to fully recover paralyzed patients.

Affected patients lose control of affected body parts. As a result, the part of the body where the brain cannot reach the signal through neurons, that part is disabled for life.

But this time, Professor Grigoire Courtnin and his team of researchers have made a statement about the solution to the paralyzed problem. They claim that with the help of their invented technology it will be possible to completely recover paralyzed patients.

They have developed a device that can be implanted in the brain to transmit signals to the brain. As a result, the paralyzed part of the body will be able to function again. Researchers have already had success in experiments on paralyzed monkeys. Their belief is that even if this technology is applied to humans, they will be successful.

Notice the two animations below:

In the first image, the monkey is unable to move its paralyzed right leg. Because his brain is not able to send signals to his right leg. But after applying this technique in the second image, the monkey is able to move its right leg normally. Because now the brain is able to exchange information through that device in his leg.

If researchers succeed in applying this technology to humans, millions of paralyzed patients around the world will be freed from this cursed disease.

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