Categories: Religion

Fasting is not obligatory on anyone

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us may not know that fasting is not obligatory. The Qur'anic Hadith has some guidance on this matter. Today we will discuss about that.

Many of us may not know that fasting is not obligatory. Today we will discuss that topic.

Those on whom fasting is not obligatory:

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Fasting is not obligatory on minor boys and girls. However, fasting can be ordered to form a habit.


Fasting is not obligatory on an adult lunatic. There is no need for him to fast, such a provision is lost to one whose knowledge is lost and who cannot distinguish between good and bad due to extreme delusion.

disabled person

Fasting is not obligatory on a person who is permanently incapacitated such as the very old or suffering from a disease from which there is no hope of recovery. But for every day of Ramadan a poor person has to give food for him.


If it is too difficult for a person suffering from a temporary illness to fast, then he should not fast until he recovers, but he should perform Qaza after recovery.

Pregnant or lactating women

If it is difficult for them to fast due to pregnancy or breastfeeding, or if they fear harm to their own child, then they should fast when the fear is relieved without fasting. In the case of menstrual discharge or discharge due to childbirth, without fasting in that state, it should be performed later when it is removed.


A person who is forced to break the fast, such as a small child drowning in water or burning in a fire, must break the fast to free him. But will do it later.

the passenger

Travelers have full freedom to fast or not during the journey, but if they do not fast then they will perform Qaza. It should be noted that the traveler can break his fast as long as he wishes (be it short-term or temporary).


Fasting is not obligatory on infidels before accepting Islam. It is not necessary for him to perform Qaza after accepting Islam.

This post was last modified on জুন ৩, ২০১৮ 11:33 am

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