Facebook profile can boost confidence!

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook profiles can boost self-confidence, researchers say. They hypothesize that Facebook profiles have a significant impact on the user's behavior, including psychological changes.


Catalina Tama, assistant professor of communication arts at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has recently reported such information. According to the information, this is what they saw after conducting an experiment on Facebook users.

Referring to the study, Catalina said in the report that Facebook users were asked to spend five minutes on their own profiles to test this. After a certain period of time the research shows, changes are noticed in the users. He said, those who have high confidence, the change is positive and those who have low, the result is opposite. Young users seem to be more enthusiastic about this.

Source: Internet

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২৫, ২০১৭ 10:49 am

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