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Can you tell why another name for 'X-ray' is Ranjan Rashmi?

Why can't the rays that can pass through the cardboard pass through the human body?

The Dhaka Times Desk One of the inventions of medical science is X-ray or dye ray. At one time, people could not imagine that it would be possible to see pictures of living human skeletons. But the discovery of X-rays changed people's way of thinking. Now the question is why another name of X-ray is Ranjan Rashmi?

If we search in the dictionary or look for the Bengali meaning, the meaning of X-ray is Ranjan Rashmi. In fact the other name of X-ray was Ranjan Rashmi after the German physicist Wilhelm Ranjan who discovered X-rays. So let's take a look at the history of X-rays. Cathode rays were discovered long ago. But even though it was discovered, no one knew its proper use. In 1895 German physicist Wilhelm Ranjan was experimenting with cathode rays in a glass tube covered with black paper. His aim was to test whether cathode-rays were emitted from glass.

A funny thing happened at that time. Ranjan noticed some kind of light appearing at some distance. At first he thought that the beam was coming out of the wooden boards. But there are no holes anywhere. He observed carefully that the cathode rays were coming out through the wooden board. At that time, a strange idea came to Ranjan's head - he thought, why can't the rays that can penetrate the cardboard penetrate the human body?

Just then Ranjan called his wife and placed her hand in front of him and conducted the test. The results he obtained in this experiment changed the way of thinking of people and created a new history. For the first time, he made a photographic image of the skeleton of the human body without any cuts. Ranjan's wife was shocked to see the picture of her skeleton and said, "I can see death in front of my eyes!"

And since then, X-rays are used to take pictures of human parts or the entire skeleton. X-rays are basically electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of ten inverse ten meters. It is much less than normal light. Due to its short wavelength, it can penetrate any material very easily. Later, many people call X-rays Ranjan Rays after the name of Wilhelm Ranjan, the discoverer of X-rays. This X-ray discovery earned Wilhelm Ranjan the first Nobel Prize in Physics.

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