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2015 breakthrough discoveries in medical science

The Dhaka Times Desk The year 2015 has seen a number of breakthroughs in medical science. These groundbreaking discoveries have brought benefits to human civilization.

2015 in medical science breakthrough

Between 2014 and 2015, many people died of dengue in about 100 countries. In 2015, the first vaccine to combat the disease was discovered. After the discovery of this vaccine, it has become possible to cure dengue patients in the first stage easily.

A new method of donating blood without needles has been discovered. The fear of not giving blood due to fear of injections and needles is no more. A device shaped like a ping-pong ball is simply held by your body. Where no needle is needed. Then the blood will be taken out of the body through a vacuum. Which will come out through the tube attached to the mouth of the device and accumulate in a container. This is a major breakthrough in medical science.

A discovery in the field of heart disease will bring special benefits to human civilization. Many people have heart problems where the pain starts. Anyone can die due to deterioration in such a situation. Because he could never have been saved if he had not been taken to the hospital and started treatment. In 2015, a drug was discovered that should be taken immediately after the onset of pain. That is why during this time some extra time will be available to take the patient to the hospital.

Another discovery is fetal medicine. In many cases, women face many physical barriers to becoming pregnant. But now a medicine has been discovered, where if the embryo in the stomach is bad then it will be possible to convert it into a good embryo again. With the new technology, the embryo will be taken out of the stomach, taken to the laboratory and then injected into the ovary again. Due to which the mother can give birth to a healthy strong baby.

Another discovery is antidepressants. Depression medications have been on the market for a long time. But the medicines that were there did not work properly in everyone's body. Instead of reducing the depression, it would increase the depression. In 2015, Norex, a drug company, invented a drug that would cure depression within a day. This medicine is known to be effective in everyone's body.

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