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Separate 'mobile lane' on the road for mobile walking!

When walking on the street, you have to be very careful when using mobile phones. Because he does not know when the car will come and accompany him

The Dhaka Times Desk From now on, there will be no hindrance to talk freely on the mobile phone. Because separate lanes have been created on the road for mobile walking! This road is being built in China's Xi'an region.

মোবাইল হাতে হাঁটার জন্য রাস্তায় পৃথক ‘মোবাইল লেন’! 1

When walking on the street, you have to be very careful when using mobile phones. Because he does not know when the car will come and accompany him. But the residents of China's Xi'an region no longer have that concern. They can talk on the mobile and walk on the street freely. Because a separate lane has been made on the road for them. So there is no reason for the accident.

When you are walking on the street, you don't remember that you have earphones in your ears and mobile phones in your hands. You walk on shaking your head. Since the focus is on Facebook or Messenger, the walking speed is a bit slow. Because there is no chasing from behind, no fear of accidents.

Residents of China's Xi'an region have built an entire lane along major roads for mobile phone users. Which can be called, 'mobile lane'! The specialty of this road has been explained by drawing mobile phone pictures on the road. There is no problem even if you walk freely with your mobile. Naturally, the local people are also very happy to have such a road.

This road in China is not too long for the 'mobile phone addict'. But in terms of importance it is very big.

Note that not only in China, but also in Belgium and some places in the United States, initiatives have been taken to make separate 'mobile lanes' on such roads.

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