The Dhaka Times
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Why love Hindus but hate Muslims?: Mamata

Mamata often comes under attack for standing by the minority community

The Dhaka Times Desk West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said, there is no obstacle to love Hindus, but why so much hatred towards Muslims?

হিন্দুদের ভালোবাসুন তবে মুসলিমদের ঘৃণা কেনো?: মমতা 1

According to a news report in Anandabazar, the era of politics of hatred and mass beatings will end after the 2019 Lok Sabha elections in India. West Bengal's popular Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee wants to lead that work. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee gave this message during Eid prayers at Red Road on Saturday morning. Mamata said that in 2019, I will end mass beatings and hatred. These will be finished in 2019. Mamata's slogan is finish, move forward.

Assuring to stand by the Muslims, Banerjee said, I am with you all the time. If you are good, we will be good. The Chief Minister admitted on this day that he is often attacked due to standing by the minority community. Irrespective of those attacks, he also made it clear that he would remain the 'savior' of the state's minority communities.

Responding to allegations of minority flattery against Mamata, Mamata said, I am sometimes abused because I love Muslims. I say you love Hindus but hate Muslims why?

On the day of Eid, Mamata opened her mouth about the controversy surrounding the calling of the Niti Aayog meeting. He said that he did not agree to go to the meeting because of Eid, and said that the meeting was arranged on the day of Eid. I asked to change the day by letter. I said I can't go on Eid day. He also informed that he is going to Delhi this afternoon as NITI Aayog meeting is on Sunday instead.
Mamata said that she is trying to maintain harmony in this state, our parents taught us to work together with everyone. This Hindustan of love is our dream. However, he warned the minorities that you should be fine. If someone prompts, tell me, gestures are enough for me. There is nothing to fear. I am here, let's see who is stronger.

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