The Dhaka Times Desk When Eid comes, various dramas are shown on TV channels. This time also the YouTube channel is going to release several dramas. This year's Eid schedule includes Sajjad-Faria's Eid drama 'Nyoti'.
The play 'Destiny' is produced by the producer Mabrur Rashid Bannah. This time he is going to present a different story drama to the audience on Eid on behalf of Club Eleven. Irfan Sajjad and Shabnam Faria played the lead roles in the drama 'Niyati'.
Irfan Sajjad said about the play, I liked working in the play. There is also a beautiful song in this drama. Apart from directing the play, Bannah Bhai himself wrote the play. The story is very beautiful.
Viewers can watch this drama on Club Eleven Entertainment's YouTube channel on Eid.
Mushfiq Farhan and Sagar Hooda also acted in this drama dedicated to Petromax LPG. The drama is produced by Akbar Haider Munna. The production company has also expressed optimism about the play 'Nyati'.