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Some plays of Musharraf Karim's 5-day RTV

Many plays of popular actor Musharraf Karim will be seen in the Eid event

The Dhaka Times Desk A number of plays by popular actor Musharraf Karim will be seen during the week-long Eid event. Find out today about some of Musharraf Karim's 5-day RTV dramas from today.

A number of plays by popular actor Musharraf Karim will be seen during the week-long Eid event. Find out today about some of Musharraf Karim's 5-day RTV dramas from today.

Jeevan Babu's letter

The drama 'Jeevan Babur Chiti' will be aired on RTV on the 2nd day of Eid. Zahidur Rahman directed the drama 'Jiwan Babur Chithi' written by Masum Shahriar. Starring Musharraf Karim, Zakia Bari Mom, Anand Khaled and others.

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'Sona Bou' will be aired on RTV on the 3rd day of Eid. 'Sona Bou' written by Jewel Mahmood and directed by RH Sohail. Musharraf Karim, Sumaiya Shimu, Mahmudul Islam Mithu and others acted.

Lakshmi boy

'Lakshmi Boy' will be aired on RTV on the 4th day of Eid. The drama 'Lakshmi Boy' written by Dayal Saha is directed by Shams Karim. Mosharraf Karim, Anika Kabir Shakh, Rifat Chowdhury, Jhuna Chowdhury and others acted in the play.

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'Ferrari Man' will be aired on RTV on the 5th day of Eid. Written and directed by Murad Ahmed, the drama 'Ferrari Mon' starred Mosharraf Karim, Swagata, Sabbir Ahmed and others.

For company promotion purposes only

RTV will air the 6th day of Eid 'only for the sake of company promotion'. Written by Mehrab Zahid, this play is directed by Morsalin Shubo. Musharraf Karim, Monalisa and others acted in the play.

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