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Know some interesting facts about the animal world

They follow a bit like Hitler's soldiers

The Dhaka Times Desk Surrounded by a habitable atmosphere, there are many animals roaming around this earth. Some animals have strange abilities. Today we will learn about the strange abilities of some such animals.

জেনে রাখুন প্রাণিজগতের কিছু বিচিত্র তথ্য 1

Red Ant: We all know the red ant. It is rare to find a person who has not been bitten by a red ant. It is also called poison ant. They have a special feature. An ant can easily drown in water. But they can float easily in water in groups. When their houses are washed away by floods, high tides or whatever, they quickly form a web-like position with their legs attached to each other. So that no one drowns. Even the ant that lives below everyone has no problem.

Hummingbird: Hummingbird, the smallest bird, weighs about the size of a rupee coin. But they never walk. In fact, their leg structure is so weak that they cannot walk. Another special ability is that they can fly backwards, which no other bird can do.

Jonaki: In the darkness of the night, the light of Jonaki makes our mind happy. But 95 percent of Jonaki's total body energy is consumed while lighting the light at night.

Mosquito: Although mosquito is an insect that is disliked by everyone, the song of their quality is loved by everyone. The mosquito hums to the ear and sings, so the mosquito's mouth makes no sound. It is in its wings. Because mosquitoes fly wings 500 times per second!

Reptiles: Whether a reptile hatches as a boy or a girl does not depend on its chromosomes. It is determined by the temperature of the nest. If the temperature of the nest is 90-93 degrees Celsius, it will be a boy and if the temperature of the nest is 82-86 degrees Celsius. If that egg hatches, it will be a girl child.

Soldier Ant: A type of ant with this name has a complex characteristic. These ants always live in groups. And once attacked by the enemy, there is no retreat. You can say a bit like Hitler's soldiers. If the team leader takes a roundabout route by mistake, disaster ensues. Each follows the other in a circular path, and weariness sets in, yet does not stop. Thus thousands of ants die as they follow the leader in a circular path.

Shark: Sharks are naturally skilled hunters. It has special cells in its brain, which can detect the electric field generated by the body of other animals. So even a small fish hiding under the sand at the bottom of the sea cannot hide from the shark.

Octopus: Octopus has always been a mysterious animal to humans. Although we know they have 8 legs, they are actually arms. They can change body color to protect themselves. When fleeing, it shoots a type of ink from its body that darkens the water so that it can escape before other animals find it.

Butterfly: Butterflies are the most beautiful and mind-blowing creatures in the world. Butterflies taste with their feet. Female butterflies sit on various flowering plants and rub the leaves with their feet. As a result, sap is released from the plant. At the back of the butterfly's legs are sensory organs called chemoreceptors through which they sense taste.

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