The Dhaka Times
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Najib's house worth 270 million dollars in jewelry and cash!

Most of the items recovered were ornaments

The Dhaka Times Desk Malaysia's former Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife Rozma Mansor's home have been seized by the country's police, worth $273 million worth of jewellery, cash and handbags. Including gold and diamond necklaces worth $1.6 million, 14 tiaras and 272 Hermes bags.

নাজিবের বাড়ি হতে ২৭ কোটি ডলারের অলংকার ও নগদ অর্থ উদ্ধার! 1

According to a BBC report, hundreds of billions of dollars in Najib Razak's OneMDB funds are missing. After the defeat in the elections in May, the investigation against him started. Police say that such a large amount of valuables has never been seized at one time in the history of Malaysia.

Most of the items recovered were ornaments. And the most expensive ornament was a necklace worth 1.6 million dollars! Also found there were 567 handbags – containing nearly $30 million in cash. There were also 423 watches, 234 sunglasses. Police officer Amar Singh said that so much material was found that it took them 5 weeks to count and calculate the value!

Najib Razak's wife Rozma is known for her love of shopping and her penchant for luxury brands. She has also been compared to former Philippine First Lady Imelda Marcos - as she was known for her addiction to luxury goods and shoes.

Meanwhile, corruption allegations say that Mr. Najib embezzled $700 million from OneMDB, a charge he has always denied. Allegations of corruption are believed to have been a major factor behind Mr Najib's defeat in the May election. His former ally Mahathir Mohamad won that election. Mr. Najib has been interrogated several times by the country's police since the election. He is banned from going outside the country.

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