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Hijab has been banned in the Netherlands

The curtain bill, spearheaded by Dutch Interior Minister Ronald Plasterock, sparked much debate in the country before it was passed.

The Dhaka Times Desk Hijab has been banned in the Netherlands after many countries around the world. In the Netherlands, the upper house of parliament, the Senate, has banned women from wearing full-face burqas or hijabs in public spaces.

এবার নেদারল্যান্ডসে হিজাব নিষিদ্ধ করা হলো 1

According to media reports, the Senate of the upper house of the country's parliament has banned women from wearing full-face burqas or hijabs in public spaces in the Netherlands.

It is known that in 2016, the lower house of the Netherlands Parliament passed a law banning the full-face veil. Later, the country's law enforcement agencies failed to introduce the law because of many general bans on face veils.

According to international media sources, there has been a lot of debate in the country before the curtain bill, led by Dutch Interior Minister Ronald Plasterock, was passed. Earlier, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said the initiative was introduced only for security purposes.

Note that, apart from the Netherlands, some of Germany's neighboring states have banned face coverings over the past few years. Belgium banned the niqab in 2011. The same year, France also banned veils in public places. Some European countries - Denmark, France, Latvia, Belgium and Bulgaria - prohibit wearing the hijab.

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