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The Netherlands has botched the attempt to show the Prophet (PBUH) cartoon

The Dhaka Times Desk The Netherlands government foiled an attempt to show cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Dutch far-right political leader Krista Wilders tried to show cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on government TV channels.

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The Netherlands government foiled an attempt to show cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Dutch far-right political leader Krista Wilders tried to show cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on government TV channels.

According to media reports, far-right political leader Christian Wilders planned to broadcast this cartoon about the Holy Prophet (PBUH) during the time allotted to political parties to air their speeches on state television.

But at the very last minute of the show, Dutch state television canceled Wilders' show. Instead an old recorded program of the Freedom Party was aired. Mr Wilders blamed state television for botching his plans.

The Muslim leaders saw this plan to broadcast cartoons of the Prophet (PBUH) on television during the holy month of Ramadan as an attempt to create a provocation. Meanwhile, security was already strengthened in the embassies of the Netherlands in various countries around the world due to the fear of backlash.

It should be noted that in the politics of the Netherlands, Christian Wilders became known for his staunch anti-Islam stance. Even in the past, he has committed many such acts, which have greatly angered Muslims around the world.

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