The Dhaka Times
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Miracle! Falling from the 16th floor building...

The Dhaka Times Desk It's a miracle! A young British man survived after falling from a 16-storey building. The hospital authorities said that he is now in good health.


According to the online newspaper, 20-year-old British young man Tom Stilwell miraculously survived after falling from the top of a 16-storey apartment in Auckland, New Zealand, to the roof of another low-rise building. Hospital authorities said he is recovering well. Stilwell was not seriously injured except for neck and back injuries and a broken wrist. However, he is believed to have suffered injuries in some internal parts of the body.

According to the police, the young man entered his flat on the 15th floor of the building around 2 am and discovered that the door was locked from inside. He had no key. He decided to go upstairs and jump straight from the balcony of his flat. But while doing such a strange thing, he may lose his dear life, it seems that it did not come to his mind. Yet his absolute fortune. He could not get down to his balcony. He went straight and fell on the roof of a very low building nearby. Initially, his condition was considered critical, but later the doctors stated that his physical condition is satisfactory. The same is called 'Rakha Allah mare k'.

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