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Thinking of a child, a woman nurtured a huge tumor in her body!

A tumor weighing more than 22 and a half kg was removed from the woman's abdomen

The Dhaka Times Desk The doctors were amazed to see the huge tumor. Such a huge tumor can be in a person's body! Thinking of a child, a woman was nurturing that huge tumor in her body!

সন্তান ভেবে এক নারী নিজ দেহে লালন করলেন বিশাল টিউমার! 1

Seeing that woman's belly, everyone thought, 'There will be twins'. After hearing about the twins, the woman replied with a smile, they will name the children 'Taco Bell'. But as he gained weight at an abnormal rate, he reduced his intake. Most of the time the woman used to eat vegetables. He thought that since the child had occupied a large area, there was no need to eat so much.

The 30-year-old woman named Kayla had almost all the signs of pregnancy. Meanwhile, Kayla, a woman from Washington, was suffering from swelling, abdominal pain and difficulty breathing.

Finally, a terrible secret came out at the last moment during the doctors' examination. After the examination, the doctor said that there is a cyst (tumor) in Kayla's ovary, not a baby. This tumor was causing great pressure on other organs of the woman. Because of which Kayla's life was becoming dangerous at one time.

His operation was finally done at the end of May. After the operation, the woman's abdomen was cut and a tumor weighing more than 22.5 kg was removed.

According to media reports, the doctor at Jackson Hospital in Montgomery who operated on Kayla said that he had never seen such a large cyst in his career.

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