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10 people died in a terrible train accident in Turkey

The accident is believed to have occurred due to the damage to the railway line due to the landslide

The Dhaka Times Desk In a terrible train accident in Turkey, 10 people were killed and about a hundred people were injured. The train carrying 362 passengers from Edirne bordering Greece to Istanbul met with an accident.

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According to international media reports, at least 10 people were killed and more than a hundred people were injured in a terrible train accident in the northwestern part of Turkey. The train carrying 362 passengers from Edirne on the Greek border to Istanbul met with an accident.

In that accident, 5 wagons of the train were derailed. The health ministry said the accident is believed to have occurred due to heavy rains and landslides that damaged the railway line. Turkish President Erdogan expressed grief and condolences to the victims.

Turkish television channel footage showed emergency personnel arriving at the crash site.

Private TV channel CNN Turk said the accident was caused by the collapse of a bridge. Local authorities appealed to the public to donate blood to treat the injured.

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