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Now a strange profession is crying!

How much they charge for a funeral depends on how big the facility is.

The Dhaka Times Desk A strange profession in a really strange country is crying! No one laughs when he hears crying. But everyone will really laugh after hearing such a thing. The organization behind this strange cry is called 'The Funeral Contractors Association'.

এবার আজব এক পেশা হলো কান্না! 1

The number of different professions in the world cannot be counted. However, this time an exceptional profession has been reported. And that is crying! A group of women in Ghana have chosen crying as a profession. But not for any common reason, in exchange for money, these women cry in groups at the funeral of the deceased!
Such a strange incident is in the African country of Ghana.

According to a report in the media, the fact is, many people have money, but even if they have money, the number of people who like them is very small. That is why they think that after they die there will be no one to mourn them at their funeral. Then that person can take refuge to these women. Whose organization is called 'The Funeral Contractors Association'. They will cry at any funeral in exchange for money like loved ones! They cry profusely for the dead people they don't even know!

It is known that after the death of the husband, some widows formed this organization called 'The Funeral Contractors Association'. How much they charge for a funeral depends on how big the facility is.

Also, if a dead person has stipulated in advance that his funeral will be festive, then this organization has no problem. If the women of this organization get paid, they dance and sing in the funeral procession and celebrate the festival!

But there is always one thing to regret, and that is the person who organizes so much around the dead person does not even realize that so many people are crying for him!

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