The Dhaka Times
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Umbrella will fly alone on the head!

A flying umbrella made by a Japanese company

The Dhaka Times Desk Now you don't have to struggle to hold the umbrella over your head anymore. Umbrella will fly alone on the head! An umbrella made by a company in Japan!

মাথার উপর একা একাই উড়বে উড়ুক্কু ছাতা! 1

Now you don't have to struggle to hold the umbrella over your head anymore. Umbrella will fly alone on the head! An umbrella made by a company in Japan! The flying umbrella is made by a Japanese company called Asahi Power Services.

Apparently, this flying umbrella has no handle. This umbrella will fly alone over the head. This smart flying umbrella actually looks like a drone. This umbrella has artificial intelligence. Through this, the person using the umbrella will track his head, that is, hold the umbrella over his head. Sun will save from rain. A 'waterproof version' of the umbrella is also coming soon to protect it from the rain.

According to the battery capacity of the umbrella weighing 5 kilograms, it can save the user from the sun or rain for 20 minutes. However, researchers are trying to reduce the weight of the umbrella to one kilogram and can use it effortlessly for at least an hour.

Since this invented umbrella contains drones, it cannot be used on roads all the time. Permission must be obtained from the local administration.

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