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Jovan-Tisha's drama 'Khuje Phiri Apnay' will be seen on Saturday and TV

Jovan, Tanzin Tisha, Tanveer, Prasoon Azad, Asif Nazrul etc. acted in various roles.

The Dhaka Times Desk Jovan-Tisha's new drama 'Khuje Phiri Apnay' will be seen on Saturday and TV. The play is written by Ahsan Alamgir and directed by Deepu Hazra.

জোভান-তিশার ‘খুজে ফিরি আপনায়’ নাটকটি দেখা যাবে শনিবার আর টিভিতে 1

The story of the play is like this: Ajid and Adiba got married a year ago. After marriage they come to Nepal for honeymoon. Ajid died suddenly by falling from the mountain while the two were walking. Exactly one year later, on the same day, Adiba came again to Nepal with her brother and sister-in-law to mourn Ajid. Adiba goes to the hill where her husband died. They go there and pay their respects with flowers. Adiba is still looking for Ajid all over Nepal, if ever Ajid is seen. Adiba thinks, Azid is not dead, he is still alive. Ajid was found one day after searching! But not alone, his new wife is with Sabina Khanal, a girl from Nepal. Then the two stood face to face. But Ajid doesn't recognize Adiba, he says I'm not Ajid I'm Louis. What will Adiba do? Can't think. He pursues Ajid again, thus proceeds the drama 'Khuje Phiri Apnay' filmed in Nepal.

Jovan, Tanzin Tisha, Tanveer, Prasoon Azad, Asif Nazrul etc. acted in various roles in the drama 'Khuje Phiri Apnay'. The drama produced under the banner of Bandhan Dream Vision is produced by Mohammad Borhan Khan. The drama will be aired on Saturday at 8 pm on private TV and TV.

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