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A crew saved the dog's life with oxygen

This is how we should understand the value of every animal's life

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, a crew member of an American flight saved a dog's life by providing oxygen. The plane was traveling from Florida to Massachusetts.

অক্সিজেন দিয়ে কুকুরের প্রাণ বাঁচালেন একজন ক্রু 1

Recently, the cabin crew of the plane saved the life of the dog by giving him oxygen in the flight. This incident happened in a US flight.

A man named Michael was traveling from Florida to Massachusetts with his pet dog on JetBlue. However, he had to suffer a lot on that journey. Describing the incident, Michael said, "We were all feeling a slight lack of oxygen in the plane." But my pet dog named Darky couldn't take it.

Durkee is relieved when the flight crew arrives and places an oxygen mask over his mouth. I then hold the mask well on his face. Within a few minutes he becomes calm. After that, there were no more problems. He thanked the crew for that.

He said that saving dogs with oxygen may have raised eyebrows. But I think this is how we should understand the value of every animal's life.

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