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Wives are now taking the help of dogs to escape the torture of their husbands!

The Dhaka Times Desk In our country, there are still some cases of husband's torture. But such problems exist in a country like Spain. So there are wives taking the help of dogs to escape the torture of their husbands!


According to the news media, in recent times, in the contemporary society of Spain, family turmoil, especially the husband's violence towards the wife, is increasing. At least 13 percent of married women in the country are suffering from such problems. In all cases it is not possible for women to go to the police. So Spanish wives have chosen a novel method to prevent chaos at home. To prevent her husband's insults, beatings and insults, they keep a very useful friend at home, and that is a dog. If you see any average, that friend will jump on the husband! Will hurt the 'tyrant' husband!

To protect themselves from abuse, Spanish wives are becoming more interested in buying dogs as protective friends. That is why the sale of dogs is increasing.

According to news media, the purchase of this dog has already fallen in Spain! This dog is always ready to protect its owner. When a drunken or ragtag husband comes to beat his wife, there is no defense, specially trained dogs will attack fiercely and protect his master.


Experts said that the dog that will be sold to the woman will be trained for at least 200 hours. So that one can know the Lord very well and understand his danger and protect him.

But the surprising thing is that the Spanish wife bought a beautiful looking dog. But no one could know that he had secretly trained with that dog for at least 200 hours. The dog is ready to pounce on the attacker at his signal. His scratched, bitten wife will be injured!

It is known that after the publication of this issue of selling dogs, the Spanish husbands of drug addicts are currently cowering in fear of dogs in Spain. Those who used to beat their wives happily, now have to think a thousand times while beating their wives!

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