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Cricketer Bulbul's son will play World Cup for Australia

He became an all-round cricketer like his father.

The Dhaka Times Desk Talent is something that cannot be tied down or stifled. One day or the other, that talent must be developed. Similarly, Mahdi Islam of Bangladesh origin is one of his examples.

ক্রিকেটার বুলবুলের ছেলে বিশ্বকাপ খেলবে অস্ট্রেলিয়ার হয়ে 1

Mahdi's father, former national cricketer of Bangladesh Aminul Islam Bulbul, left the country long ago because he did not get proper respect in his country. Currently, his younger son Mahdi Islam has taken his place in Australia under-15 team. Due to his great talent, the Australian Under-15 cricket team gave him a place in the team. He became an all-round cricketer like his father. Mahdi will play for Australia in the World Junior Under-15 Indoor Championships next September-October (September 26 to October 7). He is also a regular player for the Australian state team of Victoria.

His talent and skills might even earn him a place in Australia's main squad for the next World Cup. He bowls great medium pace as well as batting. In one word, Mahdi is an amazing player. His father Aminul Islam Bulbul is the first Test centurion of the Bangladesh national team. Currently serving as a Development Officer of ICC. Also working for the development of cricket in 'non-cricketing' countries.

If we could have used Aminul Islam Bulbul in the country's cricket, then we would have seen Mahdi Kew as an invaluable asset of Bangladesh cricket at present. Think for a moment, if this Mahdi plays a big role in the victory of the Australian team in the Bangladesh-Australia cricket match in the future, how will it be?

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