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Police 'toss' to arrest the criminal! [video]

Such a funny thing happened in the democratic state of Europe, Georgia

The Dhaka Times Desk Just what is 'tossed' in the game? In response, everyone said in one word, of course. But this time an exceptional event also happened. The police 'tossed' to arrest the criminal.

Such a funny thing happened in the democratic state of Europe, Georgia. And because of that incident, two female police officers were finally dismissed!

According to media reports, a woman was stopped for speeding At this time, two women police officers could not decide whether to arrest a 24-year-old woman at all or not So they 'tossed' to decide to arrest him.

It is known that the 24-year-old woman was arrested last April The woman was on her way to office at that time and she left late to reach the workplace He was then driving at a speed of 130 km (80 mph).

According to police sources, the video footage of the speeding was also shown on a local TV channel The two female police officers then discussed whether the driver of the car, Sarah Webb, should be let off with a speeding ticket or should she be arrested for reckless driving.

At that time they hesitate to take the right decision So they decide to 'toss' a coin "Arrest if heads and release if tails." Officer Courtney Brown took out the coin and tossed it in the air The coin lands on his mobile phone and the 'toss' goes against the web

Brown and another police officer, Christy Wilson, then discussed the video and began filing charges against Sarah Webb. However, on the day of hearing in the court on July 9, all charges against him were dropped He was finally released Webb then said, “I panicked How can law enforcement officials be so sloppy in such an important decision-making process as arresting a person."

Roswell Police Chief Rusty Grant said an investigation was launched soon after, and two police officers were suspended.

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