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A huge garden that is bigger than the size of 29 countries!

This North Pole park has many animals

The Dhaka Times Desk We have never heard of such a garden before. A huge garden that is bigger than the size of 29 countries! Located in the northeast of Greenland, this park is the largest national park in the world.

বিশাল এক উদ্যান যা ২৯টি দেশের আয়তনের চেয়েও বড়! 1

Located northeast of Greenland, this national park, the largest in the world, is currently a protected area. In 1974, the park got the status of a protected area.

The area of this park is about 9 lakh 72 thousand square kilometers. It is amazing to think that a protected national park can be bigger than the area of 29 countries of the world! The park is Denmark's first national park and Greenland's only protected area.

There is no permanent human settlement in this vast park. However, maintenance people and research scientists stay in the park at different times of the year.

বিশাল এক উদ্যান যা ২৯টি দেশের আয়তনের চেয়েও বড়! 2

This North Pole park has many animals. There are various animals including reindeer, arctic wolf, polar bear, rabbit, fox, walrus. The park is also expected to have numbers of wild polar musk oxen. It also has the largest population of masked bulls. They often roam around in groups. There is also the presence of birds and diverse flora of the tundra region, which is really satisfying. Researchers have been conducting research in this huge park for a long time. They engage in independent research. Because here there is no movement of common people at all.

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