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'Five second rules' which you will reach the threshold of success!

Opportunity is something that comes before us very quickly and leaves us very quickly.

The Dhaka Times Desk You cannot achieve success in any work. The main reason is that you are not able to do the right thing or action at the right time. Today we will discuss a rule that will play a major role in helping you achieve success in any task.

‘ফাইভ সেকেন্ড রুলস’ যা মানলে আপনি পৌঁছে যাবেন সাফল্যের দ্বারপ্রান্তে! 1

The rules are called Five Second Rules. That means you have to make a decision in just 5 seconds to take any action. Opportunity is something that comes before us very quickly and leaves us very quickly. Many of us suffer from indecision when an opportunity presents itself to us. There are many tasks which cannot be done later if not done on time.

Suppose you decide to wake up at 6 a.m. every day to stay healthy. Then go outside to exercise. The watch also has an alarm but when the alarm goes off at 6 am, you turn the alarm off and sleep for 5 minutes and then get up. Then when he wakes up, there is no time to exercise let alone get ready for office. Day after day goes by like this but you are unable to wake up on time and exercise. As a result your health is getting worse day by day.

One thing to remember is that our brain always likes to relax. So the brain applies pressure on the mind not to do any difficult or stressful work. But don't think that your brain doesn't have the capacity to do that. When you take a little longer to make a decision, your brain will discourage you in many ways. Various problems will appear in front of you.

Now let's talk about the five second rules. That means you have to make a decision in just 5 seconds. Because you will not get much time to decide any important work. If you delay, your brain will begin its disincentive work. So make a decision in just 5 seconds. Let's say your alarm goes off and you start counting. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and go. That is, read up as soon as you say 1. You will see that your brain will not get a chance to ask for 5 more minutes of sleep. When making a decision, make a decision in 5 seconds like this. Then your brain won't get a chance to discourage you from doing so. And follow this formula regularly, inshallah you will be able to achieve success in your work.

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