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Now Najib Razak made a complaint against Mahathir!

Former judge Mohammad Arif as speaker. The Prime Minister decided to nominate Yusuf. Najib Razak basically pointed to Mahathir Mohamad's consent

The Dhaka Times Desk This time the former Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak is upset. He now accused Mahathir!

এবার মাহাথিরের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগ তুললেন নাজিব রাজাক! 1

Former Prime Minister Najib Razak has commented that the promises given in the election manifesto of Malaysia's ruling Mahathir Mohamad's coalition government are basically just 'promises for the sake of promises'.

In response to this comment, however, Mahathir also said that everyone should remember that the election manifesto is not a bible. Basically it is just a guideline. Sometimes we can follow it, sometimes it doesn't become possible at all. So we have to be realistic.

Former Justice Mohammad Arif as the new Speaker of the lower house of Parliament. The Prime Minister decided to nominate Yusuf. Najib Razak basically pointed to Mahathir Mohamad's consent.

The Pakatan Harapan coalition's election manifesto promised that the Speaker would be nominated from among the MPs. In a recent Facebook post, Najib Razak said that it is not right for political parties to seize power by deceiving the people and it is not justice.

Najib Razak also said that the general public should not be cheated at all and we should easily accept whatever excuses the PH government presents in the next 5 years.

"We planned our BN (Barashan Nasional) manifesto very carefully," Najib Razak said. We have also revised it several times. The reason is that I want to fulfill every promise.

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