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The dog is pushing the owner in a wheelchair!

A man named Danilo was paralyzed in a road accident

The Dhaka Times Desk A truly godly dog will do anything for its master. Like a dog pushing its owner in a wheelchair. Such a scene is really surprising!

কুকুর হুইলচেয়ারে মালিককে ঠেলে নিয়ে যাচ্ছে! 1

One such picture has really gone viral. The scene was like this - Danilo Alarcon (46), a resident of the southern island of Mindanao in the Philippines, was going somewhere on the road in a wheelchair. This time his wheelchair was being pushed by his pet dog Daigong. Danilo was paralyzed in a road accident, which required him to move around in a wheelchair.

A short video posted on June 30 has gone viral on social media. This report has been published by various media including NDTV.

This video was first made by MBA student Mrs. Faith L. Revilla. He posted the video on his Facebook account on June 30. He captioned it, 'I'm at a loss for words. I don't know how to explain the matter….' After that many more people share this video.

According to a report by NDTV, Danilo Alarcon was injured in a motorcycle accident a year ago. Her pet dog stays at her home since birth. Danilo and Daigong met on a street in Davao City in the southern island of Mindanao in the Philippines. But not only the dog was pushing the wheelchair, Danilo, who is paralyzed, also sometimes helps by turning the wheel with both hands.

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