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The price of a commode cover is 8 lakh!

So why the incredible price of this little commode lid?

The Dhaka Times Desk We may have never heard of such a thing before. It's really a joke. But the story is true. The price of a commode cover is 8 lakh 30 thousand taka! This event is from the United States.

কমোডের একটি ঢাকনার দাম ৮ লাখ টাকা! 1

After hearing the price of a commode cover is 8 lakh 30 thousand rupees, many people may wonder if it is wrapped in gold! But not at all. So how is it possible! But although it seems unbelievable, the fact is true.

According to a report from the United States military authorities, each toilet cover of a C-5 Galaxy, a cargo plane used in the Vietnam War, cost 10 thousand US dollars. That is, in Bangladeshi taka, the value of which is equal to 8 lakh 30 thousand taka! This expensive toilet cover has also reportedly had to be replaced at least 3 times in the past year.

So why the incredible price of this little commode lid? The aircraft (C-5 Galaxy) is not currently manufactured, US military officials said. That's why if you want to change any part of the aircraft, you have to rely completely on the specified part.

According to a news of Geneuse, a few days ago, a price of 300 dollars was charged for each commode cover. But that didn't help either. US Air Force media officer Ann Stefanek has also acknowledged this whole issue of toilet covers. So even if it is true, this story about the commode cover of lakhs of rupees sounds like a story!

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