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Cow urine is more expensive than milk in India!

Cow is our mother, so I don't mind staying up all night to collect cow urine

The Dhaka Times Desk It's really surprising to think! In India, the price of cow's urine is higher than cow's milk! The demand for cow urine in Rajasthan is so high that it is being sold at a higher price than milk!

ভারতে দুধের চেয়ে গরুর মূত্রের দামই বেশি! 1

According to media reports, the demand for cow urine in Rajasthan, India is so high that it is being sold at a higher price than milk. Milk is being sold at Tk 15-30 per liter in the wholesale markets of the state. But urine is being sold at 22-25 rupees per liter!

According to a report of The Times of India, due to the huge demand of cow urine in the market, it is as if the fortunes of the local herdsmen have opened up.

Kailesh Gujjar of Jaipur, who has been selling milk for the past 20 years, has increased his income by 30% after selling cow urine! He stayed up all night in the cowshed to collect cow urine before falling to the ground!

Kailesh says, cow is our mother, so I don't think much of staying up all night to collect cow urine.

A milk seller named Om Prakash Meena has already started buying cow urine from another cow farm in Jaipur. He said, I sell a liter of cow urine at the rate of 30 to 50 taka.

Farmers who use cow urine instead of pesticides also have a demand for cow urine, says Om Prakash Meena. They sprinkle their crops with cow urine to protect them from insect attack. Many also have the custom of using cow urine in religious ceremonies.

ভারতে দুধের চেয়ে গরুর মূত্রের দামই বেশি! 2

It is reported that the government-run Maharan Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology in Udaipur uses 300-500 liters of cow urine every month in organic farming projects. They buy cow urine at the rate of Rs 15 to 20 per liter per month.

Uma Shankar, Vice-Chancellor of the University said, this cow urine is the source of additional income for farmers. Rajasthan's Cattle Husbandry Minister Ottaram Devasi told the media that there are about 8 lakh 58 thousand 960 cows in 2 thousand 562 centers run by the state government.

It should be noted that Hindu believers consider cow as a sacred deity. They believe that cow urine contains the ingredients to cure any disease. Among the Hindus, the cow worshipers claim that the human body is greatly improved by drinking cow urine. According to Hindu priests, “Only 2 things are pure in this universe, one is the holy water of mother Ganga and the other is the holy urine of cow. This is how cow urine became popular among Hindus. Due to which the demand is increasing day by day.

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