The Dhaka Times
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Imran Khan's party flag on the dog!

The others were arrested within 12 hours of the brutal incident in Bannu district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The Dhaka Times Desk Almost all the parties of the country are angry about the elections held in Pakistan. They rejected the results of this election. But this time there is another news that the flag of Imran's party is attached to a dog! A huge uproar started over the issue.

ইমরান খানের দলের পতাকা কুকুরের গায়ে! 1

The man who once played for the Pakistan team. That person is now leading the movement of the country. The words of former cricketer Imran Khan who won the recently concluded national elections were being spoken. All is well, but a video of Imran Khan's party Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) flag wrapped around a dog has gone viral.

Extensive discussion and criticism is going on in all quarters. Even that chicken has been shot. 2 people have been arrested in this incident.

It is known that within 12 hours of the brutal incident in Bannu district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, the accused have been arrested, police said on Twitter.

A video went viral on social media last Friday. It can be seen that a dog is sitting in front of a tree in the sand with a PTI flag wrapped around it. At this time two people's voices are heard.

Then the gunshots started. 3 shots were fired at the dog one by one. At this time, the PTI was also accused of winning the election by fraud.

Police said two activists of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's opposition party Qaumi Watan Party were arrested in the incident.

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