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4 years on the shelf smartphone for only 4 taka!

This e-commerce based organization is Daraj

The Dhaka Times Desk In a very short period of time has gained a lot of popularity in the world of online shopping in Bangladesh. And so, on the 4th anniversary, Daraz has announced a smartphone for only 4 rupees!

৪ বছর পূর্তিতে দারাজে মাত্র ৪ টাকায় স্মার্টফোন! 1

On the occasion of Daraj's 4th anniversary in Bangladesh, this e-commerce based company is giving an opportunity to buy a smartphone for 4 taka. Apart from smartphones, there is an opportunity to buy products like watches, clothes and bags for just 4 rupees. This offer will run from 12:01 PM on 3 August to 11:59 PM on 6 August.

This is one of the largest e-commerce sites in Bangladesh. There, the company's chief executive officer Syed Mostahidal Haque announced this 'flash sale' offer in Bangladesh.

Mostahidal Haque said, "We started on a very small scale in Bangladesh but now we are working on a very large scale. From a workforce of 15 people, our family now has more than a thousand members. We have the capacity to reach 30 thousand products to customers on an average every day. Over three lakh products are currently available on our site.”

He said, “At such a moment we are announcing a special offer for our customers. You can buy a few categories of products starting from smartphones in a flash sale of just 4 rupees. Up to 82 percent discount on products. There are also special gift boxes, gift vouchers etc. Also, customers will get up to 20 percent cashback if they pay in Bikash.”

The smartphone that is available in the drawer for 4 taka is the crystal model phone of UMIDIGI brand.

It should be noted that after the establishment of Daraj in 2012, it started its operations in Bangladesh from 2014. This e-commerce site is known as ( in Bangladesh. Apart from Bangladesh, this company is operating in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Nepal in South Asia. China-based e-commerce giant Alibaba recently bought the ownership of Daraj.

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