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What to do if you are a victim of cybercrime

Criminals are trying to harass internet users by stealing their personal information to set up various traps

The Dhaka Times Desk Cybercrime has also increased nowadays due to the free use of technology. Cybercrime is happening at the state and private level. Learn what to do if you are a victim of cybercrime.

সাইবার ক্রাইমের শিকার হলে করণীয় 1

As the use of internet has increased, the amount of cybercrime is also increasing day by day. Criminals are trying to harass internet users by stealing their personal information to set up various traps. Extortion of money by blackmail or social humiliation. If you are a little bit aware, it will be possible to prevent these to a large extent. Still, there are things one can do if one is the victim of a cyber attack. Find out what to do today.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Alimuzzaman of the Police's Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime Unit talked about what to do if you are a victim of hacking or if someone's obscene video is spread or Facebook is hacked.

He said, if anyone is a victim of cyber crime, he should first report it to the police. Our cybercrime unit is working in DMP in Dhaka Metropolitan Hall. Complaints should be made here. If you are outside Dhaka, contact the concerned police station. Our facebook site for contact in Dhaka city: Here anyone can also contact us. Or you can contact this number 01769691522. But the body is actually very good. The work should be done with the cooperation of the police.

He also said that if someone's Facebook or e-mail account is hacked, there is a chance to recover it. In this matter also the police should be informed or reported. There is no scope for third parties here. He will come and complain himself and the remedy will be found very soon.

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