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Grameenphone reduced the price of internet package

They have reduced the price of two internet packages for now

The Dhaka Times Desk Grameenphone, the country's largest mobile service provider, has reduced the prices of its two internet packages. Later it is heard that the price of other packages will also be reduced.

ইন্টারনেট প্যাকেজের দাম কমিয়ে আনলো গ্রামীণফোন 1

Grameenphone has reduced the price of their internet packages. And the main reason for this price reduction is to reduce the VAT on Internet services in Bangladesh from 15 percent to 5 percent. Two packages have been reduced in price at the moment. Later the price of other packages will be changed continuously.

Details about the package are given below:

Package 1:

2 GB internet at 38 taka
Validity 2 days (including 1 day of activation)
Activation Code: *121*3242#
Offer will continue until further notice
Auto renewal is not applicable
If the customer purchases this pack again (2GB at Rs. 38) while the offer is active, the unused data volume will be added to the new pack.
Dial *121*1*4# to check internet balance
To cancel internet offer dial *121*3041#
Offer not applicable to Skito customers

Package 2:

1 GB Internet at 86 Tk
Validity 7 days (including 6 days of activation)
Activation Code: *121*3056#
Offer will continue until further notice
Auto renewal is not applicable
If the customer buys this pack again (1 GB at Tk 86) while the offer is active
Unused data volume will be added to the new pack
Dial *121*1*4# to check internet balance
To cancel internet offer dial *121*3041#
Offer not applicable to Skito customers

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