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Is the moon really suitable for living creatures?

After this article was published as news, a sensation was created among all

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists have long expressed the opinion that there is no possibility of life on the moon. Maybe the day will come when there won't be enough space on Earth to live on. So man looked for the moon as a place to live.

চাঁদ কী সত্যিই প্রাণী থাকার উপযুগী? 1

Moon is a satellite of earth. Scientists have put people on the moon through rockets and have done a lot of research on that information. A lot of information about the moon has also been obtained by exploring the moon. After the research, we know that the moon is not suitable for habitation. No. There is no water. There is no chemical polymer. So not suitable for animals with such an environment. But a few days ago the possibility of living on the moon is said in a research paper. The title of the paper is - Was there an early habitability window for earth's moon?

In the press, researchers say that there is a possibility of life on the moon. After this article was published as news, a sensation was created among all. Because until now it was known that the possibility of life on the moon is close to zero. And now what is the discovery that points to the presence of life on the moon? But first in the study, they gathered several research papers on the existence of life on the moon and analyzed them very deeply. Then give them an opinion of their own. They say life may have existed on the moon for a while. They didn't talk about existence directly.

চাঁদ কী সত্যিই প্রাণী থাকার উপযুগী? 2

But in 2008, a research paper was published that said water was found in samples taken from the moon. Based on this, several other studies have revealed such information. If this is indeed the case, then the moon may also have developed a mechanism to escape solar radiation or cosmic rays.

Scientists speculate that life may have once existed on the moon. But not anymore. According to scientists, the temperature may have been stable at that time when the variation in temperature is seen on the moon. But these things are not very certain. Doubts about them.

But let's assume that one day science will advance, technology will improve, one day maybe people will create an artificial living environment there and live like the earth.


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