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Xiaomi Mi Band 3: The best fitness tracker at a low price

Capacitive touchscreen, larger display, improved water protection and more have been added

The Dhaka Times Desk After the huge success of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 they brought Xiaomi Mi Band 3 in the market. Many changes have been made to the design along with some new features.

After the massive success of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 they brought it to the market Xiaomi Mi Band 3. Many changes have been made to the design along with some new features. Capacitive touchscreen, larger display, improved water protection and many other new additions. Although the price is slightly higher than the Mi Band 2. But feature-wise, this is the best fitness tracker you'll ever have. So let's see what's new that's been added:

Display and design

Replaces the previous old small display 0.78 inches Resolution of which has been made 128x80 and used in it 3D curved Display. Which makes it look more interesting. But it has a downside that it can be a little difficult to see in sunlight during the day. And the good part is that the design has been changed at the bottom of the band which makes the wrist feel more comfortable than before.

Water Protection

Mi Band 3 comes with advanced water protection. through which you 50 meters It will not be a problem even if it stays under water up to deep. You can feel free to take a bath wearing it in the swimming pool.


Xiaomi Mi Band 3 has increased the battery 110 milliampere done Which is higher than Mi Band 2. You can use it for 20 consecutive days after one charge.

wearing message

This is one of the new features. As the display is large and capacitive touchscreen, you can read and scroll any message very easily. This way you don't need to go to your mobile.

Find lost mobile

Suppose you cannot find your mobile. But it's inside the house. Then you can instantly locate your mobile with the help of Me Band 3.


Notifications are now more comprehensive and detailed as the display is bigger.

Reject the phone call

You can reject a phone call as soon as a call comes through Me Band 3. You don't need to take your phone out of your pocket. Just press and hold the Mi Band 3's display for a few seconds to activate it.

Stop watch

You can use the stop watch directly on the Me Band 3.


Its current value 2500 from 2800 in between

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